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For The Sake Of One Child

Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, Foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart, once said, ‘for the sake of one child, I would have founded the Society’. For the staff of Sacred Heart, Fenham each of our students is that ‘one child’. Our aim is to provide a first class education in the broadest sense of the word for each and every girl in the school.


World Wide Family

As a Sacred Heart School we are part of a world wide family of schools and universities.

In England there are five schools and one university College which are Sacred Heart foundations. One, of course, is our school here in Fenham. The others are :


Digby Stuart College, University of Roehampton

Sacred Heart Primary School, Newcastle upon Tyne

Sacred Heart Primary School, Roehampton, London

Sacred Heart High School, Hammersmith, London

Woldingham School, Surrey


Each school has its own individual identity but all are linked by the fact that they are rooted in the Gospel message as interpreted over the years by the Society of The Sacred Heart. The spirit of that message is one of courage and generosity. The educational philosophy of the Sacred Heart is contained in the message of Jesus Christ and the vision of Saint Madeleine Sophie. ‘By the love you have for one another everyone will know you are my disciples’.

If you would like to learn more about the work of the Society of the Sacred Heart please visit and

You will also find links to other society pages on our main menu under 'Sacred Heart Network'


Five Goals

In recent years as the sisters have withdrawn from day to day contact with the schools, other ways of maintaining the connections have been sought. The values which motivated Madeleine Sophie and all those who followed after her have been distilled into FIVE GOALS. These were originally drawn up in the USA but are now being adopted across the world as a way of emphasising the challenges and principles which we all share. In an ever changing world we are reminded that we must ‘keep our eyes open upon the distant horizons, our minds listening to seize every indication that can enlighten us; reading, reflection, searching, must never stop.’ (Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ)

In September 2010 The English Network of Sacred Heart Schools held its inaugural meeting. Since then we have met twice a year to organise joint projects and reflect upon what the Goals mean for our individual schools.

What Are The Goals?

• To help nurture a personal and active FAITH in God.
• To develop respect for INTELLECT.
• To encourage SOCIAL AWARENESS which motivates us to take action.
• To build a COMMUNITY which serves as a beacon of Christian values.
• To provide a setting where PERSONAL GROWTH can develop in an atmosphere of wise freedom.

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